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Can’t Find Bird Feeder Hub on Google Anymore?

If you have searched for us on Google and can’t find any of our articles, don’t worry we’re still here. Unfortunately at some point in the last 12-18 months Google made the decision to not allow us to appear in about 95% or more of the searches we used to show up in. Which means that we don’t get near the amount of traffic we used to get, and it’s that much harder for you to find us and the information about birds that we provide for free to the public. 

If you want to support us, switch your browser over to Bing or DuckDuckGo, both of which are fine showing our information-packed articles in the search engine results. We’re not sure what we did to anger the Google overlords, we just want to share pictures, videos, and articles about birds to help people learn more. 

Why did Google ban Bird Feeder Hub? 

I don’t know that they “banned” us, if you search hard enough you can likely find our home page. However, the specific pieces of content that were handcrafted to solve problems for tens of millions of people across the country aren’t being shown anymore. 

Even though we think that we have a wonderful community of bird lovers who have enjoyed our site for many years, Google made the executive decision that we aren’t good enough. I can only assume based on the current search results, that it’s because we are a small publisher. It’s pretty obvious now that Google only supports large scale publishers that pump out garbage content and can perhaps spend millions on ads. I guess it’s pay to play now. 

Where else can we find Bird Feeder Hub now that Google dropped you?

As mentioned above, use the suggested search engines. In my opinion they are better than Google is currently, and they are getting better while Google seems to only be getting worse. In addition to using that route to find our site and answers to questions on birds, here are some additional links where we can be found online. 

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