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Eagles in New York (2 Species With Pictures)

New York may be home to the largest city in America, but the empire state is also home to a large variety of birds of prey. From the Adirondacks to the Great Lakes to the Hudson river and all the forests in between, it’s no wonder New York has an abundance of habitats that support many of north americas owls, hawks, falcons and eagles. 

In this article, we’ll be discussing the eagles found in New York state. There are in fact only two species of eagles in New York, as well as the rest of the United States. If you want to see more info about the two following species, check out this article about the eagles of North America.

2 species of eagles in New York

1. Bald Eagle


Scientific nameHaliaeetus leucocephalus
Length: 27.9-37.8 in
Weight: 105.8-222.2 oz
Wingspan: 80.3 in

With concentrated conservation effort, Bald Eagles have been successfully reestablished in New York. Found most frequently along large lakes and rivers, bald eagles primarily eat fish (that they have been known to steal from Osprey and other fishing animals) and waterfowl.

Bald Eagles are most widespread and easiest to spot during the winter. Their brown body and bright white head is easy to identify, however they do not gain their white head until they are four years old. They build their huge nests in trees. These nests are 5-6 feet wide, made mostly of sticks, and can take months to build. However once built, they are often reused for many years. 

2. Golden Eagle

Golden Eagle (Image: Tom Koerner/USFWS | CC BY 2.0 | flickr)

Scientific nameAquila chrysaetos
Length: 27.6-33.1 in
Weight: 105.8-216.1 oz
Wingspan: 72.8-86.6 in

While Golden eagles are more common in the western United States, they have been seen on Franklin mountain, in the Adirondacks and wintering in southern New York. Golden eagles are one of the largest and most nimble raptors in North America.

At their size, they are able to take down large prey and will attack coyotes or bears to defend their nest. However their main diet is smaller mammals such as rabbits, ground squirrels and prairie dogs. Adults are all brown with a lighter golden-brown patch on the nape of their neck.

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