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9 Birds That End With the Letter I (Photos, Facts)

Learn about birds that start with all 26 letters of the alphabet!

If you’re on a hunt for birds that end with the letter I or just stuck in a game and looking for a way out, you’re on the right page. In this random list of birds ending in I, you’ll find birds from around the world, including a few gems from Hawaii. Some of these birds are the rare kind, landing them on the endangered species list. Each bird brings something special to the table.

So let’s have a look at the first species!

1. ʻAkikiki

‘Akikiki | image by Carter Atkinson, USGS via Wikimedia Commons

Scientific Name: Oreomystis bairdi

The ʻAkikiki, also known as the Kauaʻi Creeper is a small, endangered bird species native to the island of Kauaʻi in Hawaii. This bird is characterized by its gray plumage, white underparts, and a distinctive black mask across its eyes. It is known for its unique foraging behavior, where it meticulously picks insects from the bark and leaves in the dense rainforests of Kauaʻi.

The ʻAkikiki is a non-migratory species, demonstrating strong site fidelity, meaning it stays within a specific area throughout its life. One of the most interesting facts about the ʻAkikiki is its critical endangered status, primarily due to habitat loss, invasive species, and diseases such as avian malaria.

2. Bearded tachuri

Bearded tachuri
Bearded tachuri | image by Cláudio Dias Timm via Wikimedia Commons | CC BY-SA 2.0

Scientific Name: Polystictus pectoralis

The Bearded Tachuri is a small, attractive flycatcher found in South America. Males are notable for their striking facial pattern, featuring a black crown (with concealed white feathers) and a black face, contrasting against a brown back. They also have a distinctive rusty rump and a cinnamon wash on their underparts.

Females display a more subdued coloration with a brown crown, buff face, and a whitish throat. This species prefers native grasslands and savannas dotted with scattered shrubs, where it engages in feeding and breeding activities.

3. Greater ani

Greater ani
Greater ani | image by Dominic Sherony via Flickr | CC BY-SA 2.0

Scientific Name: Crotophaga major

The Greater Ani is a large tropical bird found in wetlands and forests across South America. Characterized by its glossy black plumage, long tail, and distinctive large bill, the Greater Ani stands out for its communal behavior. Uniquely, several pairs often nest together and share parenting duties, from building the nest to defending it and feeding the young.

This bird feeds on insects, small vertebrates, and fruits, showcasing a versatile diet. An interesting aspect of the Greater Ani is its vocal communication; it produces a variety of sounds that are crucial for social interactions within its group.

4. Hawaiʻi ʻamakihi

Hawaiʻi ʻamakihi
Hawaiʻi ʻamakihi | image by Bryan S via Flickr

Scientific Name: Chlorodrepanis virens

The Hawaiʻi ʻAmakihi is a small honeycreeper native to Hawaii, easily recognizable by its olive-green plumage and slightly curved beak, adapted for nectar feeding. Despite its small size, the ʻAmakihi is known for its resilience, having adapted to various environments across the Hawaiian Islands, including high-elevation forests and even areas affected by avian malaria, to which it shows remarkable resistance. This bird primarily feeds on nectar, but it also eats insects and spiders, showing adaptability in its diet.

5. ʻIʻiwi

ʻIʻiwi | image by Ludovic Hirlimann via Flickr | CC BY 2.0

Scientific Name: Drepanis coccinea

The ʻIʻiwi is a small bird native to Hawaii, known for its vibrant red plumage and curved salmon-colored bill. Both male and female ʻIʻiwis share the same striking coloration, while juveniles exhibit a mottled combination of green, yellow, and orange colors.

These birds primarily inhabit native forests, particularly in higher elevations, where they feed on nectar from native flowers using their specialized bills. ʻIʻiwis are important pollinators for many native plant species.

6. Kauaʻi ʻamakihi

Kauaʻi ʻamakihi
Kauaʻi ʻamakihi | image by Benjaminkeen via Wikimedia Commons | CC BY-SA 3.0

Scientific Name: Chlorodrepanis stejnegeri

The Kauaʻi ʻamakihi is a small honeycreeper endemic to the Hawaiian island of Kauaʻi. Male Kauaʻi ʻamakihi are bright yellow with olive-green wings and tails, while females are duller with more olive-green plumage overall.

These birds inhabit a variety of forest types, from lowland rainforests to montane forests, where they forage for nectar, insects, and berries. They are known for their agile movements as they flit among branches and foliage for food. Kauaʻi ʻamakihi is important in pollination and seed dispersal within their native habitats.

7. Oʻahu ʻamakihi

Oʻahu ʻamakihi
Oʻahu ʻamakihi | image by Tsuru8 via Wikimedia Commons | CC BY-SA 3.0

Scientific Name: Oʻahu ʻamakihi

The Oʻahu ʻamakihi, a small honeycreeper unique to the Hawaiian island of Oʻahu, displays bright yellow plumage with olive-green wings and tails in males, while females have a duller appearance with two whitish wing bars and more olive-green tones overall.

Found mainly in native forests and montane regions, these birds feed on nectar, insects, and berries, utilizing agile movements to navigate the forest canopy. They contribute significantly to pollination and seed dispersal within their ecosystems.

8. Puaiohi

Puaiohi | image by Eike Wulfmeyer via Wikimedia Commons | CC BY-SA 2.5

Scientific Name: Myadestes palmeri

The Puaiohi, also known as the Small Kauai Thrush, is a critically endangered bird species native to the Hawaiian island of Kauai. Adult Puaiohi displays a grayish-brown hue and white bellies with broken eyering, while juveniles exhibit dense spotting below.

These birds primarily inhabit dense, wet forests where they forage for insects, fruits, and seeds. Puaiohi are known for their shy and secretive behavior, often remaining hidden within the forest understory.

9. Red-necked aracari

Red-necked aracari
Red-necked aracari | image by Hector Bottai via Wikimedia Commons | CC BY-SA 4.0

Scientific Name: Pteroglossus bitorquatus

The red-necked aracari is a small toucan species found in Central and South America, characterized by a red rump, nape, and breast band, along with green wings and tail, and a yellow belly. These birds are known for their unique bill shape, which is slender and slightly curved. In the eastern subspecies, the lower mandible is black, while in the western subspecies, it can vary between white and black.

They inhabit tropical rainforests and are often seen perched in the canopy or flying between trees. Red-necked aracaris primarily feed on fruits, berries, and insects. They are social birds, often found in small groups or pairs.

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