In this article, we take a look at 11 birds that end with the letter T. Starting with long a long-legged avocet, to the black-capped parakeet from South America, and on to wading birds like the snowy egret. We will also examine their different behaviors and characteristics in their habitats.
Let’s begin!
1. American avocet
Scientific Name: Recurvirostra americana
The American avocet, a bird species identifiable by its long, thin legs and distinctive upturned bill, is commonly found across the western and midwestern United States, particularly in wetland habitats. This large shorebird stands out with its long, upturned bill and bold black-and-white wings, supported by long blue-gray legs.
In breeding season, adults show a buffy-orange color on their head and neck, turning grayish in winter. Notably, females have bills that curve upwards more distinctly than males.
American avocets are known for their unique foraging behavior, sweeping their bills side to side in shallow waters to catch small aquatic invertebrates. Their habitats include salt evaporation ponds, marshes, and mudflats, where they nest on the ground in colonies.
2. American coot
Scientific Name: Fulica americana
The American coot, often found across the United States in freshwater lakes, ponds, and marshes, is a plump, dark-gray bird with a distinctive white bill and forehead. Unlike many waterfowl, coots have lobed, not webbed, feet which aid in their swimming and diving for plant material, their primary diet.
This bird is mostly gray with a darker head, a white bill, a small tail, and short wings. These birds are known for their aggressive territorial behavior, especially during breeding season, and their loud, distinctive calls.
3. Black-capped parakeet
Scientific Name: Pyrrhura rupicola
The Black-capped parakeet, also known as the Black-capped conure or Rock parakeet, is native to South America, particularly in forested areas and woodlands. This bird features a distinctive black cap, and green body, with black scaling around the neck. There’s little to no color difference between males and females, making sexing difficult without genetic testing.
These parakeets are social, often seen in small groups, and are known for their loud calls and playful behavior. Their diet mainly consists of fruits, seeds, and flowers.
4. Brant
Scientific Name: Branta bernicla
The Brant commonly found along the coasts of the northeastern United States during migration, is a small, dark goose with a compact body. Both males and females have similar plumage, featuring a black head, chest, and neck with a small white necklace, contrasting with a light underbelly.
They are unique for their dependence on eelgrass and sea lettuce, making coastal habitats, estuaries, and tidal flats their preferred feeding grounds. Brants are known for their long migratory flights and strong social bonds, often flying in large flocks that form impressive formations.
5. Cassin’s auklet
Scientific Name: Ptychoramphus aleuticus
The Cassin’s auklet, a small seabird, is commonly found off the western coast of the United States, particularly from Alaska to Baja California. This bird is characterized by its overall gray plumage and a distinctive white spot above the eye during breeding season. Both males and females look alike, while young birds are lighter in color with darker eyes compared to adults.
Cassin’s auklets are unique for their nocturnal habits, especially during the breeding season, to avoid predators. They nest in burrows on offshore islands and feed on small crustaceans and fish, diving deep underwater to catch their prey.
6. Great egret
Scientific Name: Ardea alba
The Great egret is an elegant, large heron distinguished by its all-white plumage, long neck, and slender black legs, topped off with a sharp yellow bill. It stands out in its wetland habitats, gracefully foraging in both freshwater and saltwater environments, where it hunts for fish, amphibians, and small mammals by standing still and striking with lightning speed. This bird has a widespread distribution, found across most of the temperate and tropical regions of the world, including the Americas, Africa, Asia, and Europe.
The Great egret is notable for its role in the conservation movement; its beautiful long plumes, once in high demand for ladies’ hats, led to its near decimation until protective laws were enacted in the early 20th century, making it a symbol of wildlife conservation.
7. Least auklet
Scientific Name: Aethia pusilla
The Least auklet is one of the smallest members of the auk family, notable for its compact size, short wings, and distinctive plumage with a combination of dark upperparts and white underparts. This seabird is easily recognized by its white facial plumes and the small, upright crest on its head.
Native to the northern Pacific Ocean, Least auklets breed in large colonies on rocky islands off the coasts of Alaska and Siberia, nesting in crevices or under boulders. They feed primarily on zooplankton and small fish, often seen fluttering over the ocean’s surface before diving in to catch their prey.
8. Marbled godwit
Scientific Name: Limosa fedoa
The Marbled godwit is a large, striking shorebird recognized by its long, slightly upturned bill, which it uses to probe deep into the mud for aquatic invertebrates. Its buffy brown plumage is intricately patterned with dark bars, resembling marble, hence its name. These birds are found across North America, breeding in the grasslands of the north-central United States and Canada, and wintering along coasts from the southern United States to Central and South America.
Marbled godwits are known for their impressive non-stop flights during migration, covering thousands of miles to reach their wintering grounds. They prefer shallow waters and mudflats where they can forage for food, often seen in flocks during the non-breeding season.
9. Pelagic cormorant
Scientific Name: Urile pelagicus
The Pelagic cormorant is the smallest of the cormorant species, distinguished by its slender profile, glossy black plumage, and thin, curved neck. Unique to this species are the vivid purplish and greenish iridescent colors of its feathers, which can be seen up close under the right lighting conditions. During the breeding season, they develop striking white patches on their flanks and bright turquoise eyes.
Native to the North Pacific Coast, their range extends from Alaska down through California, inhabiting rocky coastal cliffs and offshore islands where they nest in colonies. Pelagic cormorants are excellent divers, plunging from the surface to catch fish with their hooked bills. Unlike other cormorants, they often forage alone or in small groups.
10. Rose-ringed parakeet
Scientific Name: Psittacula krameri
The Rose-ringed parakeet is a vibrant, medium-sized parrot known for its green plumage, long tail, and distinctive black and pink ring around the neck of males, which gives the species its name. Females lack the neck ring or have a subtler version. Native to Africa and South Asia, this bird has successfully established itself in many parts of the world, including Europe and the Middle East, often in urban parks and gardens.
Rose-ringed parakeets are highly adaptable, feeding on a variety of seeds, fruits, and buds. They are known for their loud calls and strong flying ability. An interesting behavior is their tendency to form large, noisy flocks, especially near roosting sites. These parakeets are also capable of mimicking human speech, making them popular in the pet trade.
11. Snowy egret
Scientific Name: Egretta thula
The Snowy egret is a small wading bird recognized by its pure white feathers, slender black bill, and long, thin black legs with distinctive yellow feet, often referred to as “golden slippers.” This bird is known for its elegant appearance and dynamic hunting technique, which involves shuffling its feet in shallow water to flush out prey like fish and crustaceans. The Snowy egret breeds in colonies, often with other heron and egret species, in marshes, ponds, and wetlands across the Americas, from the United States and Mexico to Central and South America.
During the breeding season, it sports delicate, lacy plumes on its back, head, and chest, which were once highly sought after for women’s hats, leading to near extinction until conservation efforts helped their populations recover.
Mary is an outdoor enthusiast, nature lover, and amateur birdwatcher that enjoys sharing her knowledge and experiences with others.